


The Humanist Economy Network is a project to create a worldwide network of volunteers (individuals, organizations and companies), that work together in building a working model of a completely new economic system, with the aim to replace the present capitalist system, which we regard as violent and unjust. The HEN’s philosophical basis is Universal Humanism, which places the human being above all other values and aims to abolish violence and discrimination.

The economy proposed by the HEN will be both efficient and just. Technology will be applied to satisfy all of humanity’s material needs, requiring ever less man-hours of labour, thus liberating people from the slavery of production and affording more free time to dedicate to more interesting and elevating activities. In summary, a fairer distribution of economic well-being and free time.

One of the basic principles of the Humanist Economy is to liberate production from banking. The members of this worldwide network will exchange goods and services without using money. However, the HEN is not a barter system, because nothing is demanded in exchange for the products and services provided to others. Each member of the HEN gives his/her service to other members of the HEN community for free, knowing that in turn he/she will receive for free his/her needs from the HEN global economic community.

In order that each member may responsibly auto-regulate him/herself by knowing the proportion between his/her contribution to the community and his/her consumption, there will be a Web-enabled information system. Production will be measured in “Units of Necessity” which allow all goods and services to be valued and compared against one another. The database will be democratically generated by all members of the HEN and information on production and all transactions carried out will be publicly available for all members. This will also prevent abuse of the system by “cheaters” who attempt to do nothing but receive services without making any contribution.

These relationships of mutual help without money will be carried out internally amongst the members of the HEN. However, interchange with the external capitalist economy will necessarily be carried out according to the established procedures of capitalism. Goods and services will be sold to the external economy in order to finance the HEN, and this money will be used to purchase capital resources (machinery, land, etc.) necessary for production. These capital and financial resources will not belong to any private person or institution; they will belong to all the members of the HEN. In other words, this will be a social capital that will belong to all people that in increasing numbers join the HEN from all over the world, and it will be the people that democratically make decisions on how to make best use of this capital.

In summary, the Humanist Economy intends to incorporate the best of both worlds of capitalism and socialism. Its basic principles are:
The HEN project is to be carried out in several phases. Phase 1 will be an initial test on a small scale in a small community in Santiago – Chile. Conclusions will be drawn from this real-world experience in order to introduce timely adjustments and corrections. Once done, conditions will be gained, with greater chances of success, for expansion by progressive degrees throughout the whole world.

For more information on the Humanist Economy Network and the ideas on which it is based, visit the following websites:

Humanist Economy Network: (Only in Spanish for the moment, we'll write the English version ASAP).
New Humanism:            
Humanist Movement:     
Silo’s Message:            


The information system for the HEN will consist of a large database of all registered members. Members may be individual persons, companies, or organizations. Members will interact with the system over the Internet. Each member enters the services or products that he/she/it can contribute to other members. In addition, he/she/it enters a list of necessities (food, clothing, health, education, housing, transport, domestic appliances, etc.) and the monthly quantity needed. The average sum of this information provides the basis for calculating the value of each necessity in Units of Necessity (UN).

Members will have at their disposal two directories with search engines:
  1. A directory of all necessities of the members of the HEN, so that each member can find other people or organizations to offer help with his/her own service.
  2. A directory of services and products, so that each member can request them from their providers.

When a member requests a service from another, the provider enters a transaction. When the service is delivered and the receiver is satisfied with it, he/she confirms it. This updates both members’ current account in UN, crediting one and debiting the other. If the receiver were to be unsatisfied with the service delivered, he/she would not confirm it and the transaction would remain in a pending status, until the conflict is solved by direct non-violent communication between the two parties.

The members can also optionally contribute money to the HEN, in order to finance the acquisition of capital resources. This money will accumulate in an account, which may be consulted by all members via the Internet. The members can request capital to finance projects and acquisitions, and also participate in voting to authorize or reject purchases and investments.

Each member will have access to a wealth of information on the HEN by means of the following queries:

  1. Each member’s personal account balance in UN

  2. Balance in UN of any other member

  3. Current social capital (resources and finances)

  4. Approved Projects

  5. HEN Overall Performance Statistics

In order to encourage communication between members of the HEN, there will be discussion groups, mailing lists and chatrooms.

In addition, there will be a directory of groups of the Humanist Movement and Silo’s Message, which will allow searching by neighbourhood, and day and time of weekly meetings.

All the aforementioned functionalities will only be available for members of the HEN. Therefore members will login with a password.

Non-members will have access to the following content only:
  1. All information about the Humanist Economy Network.

  2. HEN Commercial Yellow Pages. This will consist of a directory of services and products that members advertise to the external economy. These services will not be free and consist of the members’ usual activities done in order to make a living. The idea is to help all members of the HEN to financially support themselves. Non-members can advertise here for a fee. For members, advertisements are free.

  3. Registration page to become a member.


Members and non-members will be able to perform the following activities on the website:

Non-Members and Members:
  1. Read the ideas, philosophy and principles.

  2. Yellow Pages – find payed services

  3. Become a Member:

  4. Contact information (name, phone numbers, e-mail)

  5. Services offered

  6. Necessities

Members Only:
  1. Search for needs of others

  2. Yellow Pages – find free services

  3. Consult social capital

  4. Update personal information, including services offered and present needs

  5. Start transaction

  6. Approve transaction

  7. Consult own balance, production and consumption in UN

  8. Consult other member’s balance, production and consumption in UN

  9. Consult HEN performance statistics

  10. Request capital for purchases and projects

  11. Approve capital requests of other members

  12. Vote on various issues

  13. Participate in electronic discussion groups

  14. Search for meetings of the Humanist Movement and Silo’s Message


The database will be PostgreSQL and the web pages will be written in PHP. Following is specific information on the tables, relations and PHP pages.


Members HEN Members
MemberNecessities Members’ necessities
MemberServices Services and products offered by the members
Necessities1 Categories of necessities (1st level in hierarchy of types of necessities)
Necessities2 Types of necessities (2nd level in hierarchy of types of necessities)
Transactions Transactions done between members
Countries All countries of the world
States All states/provinces (1st administrative division) of all countries of the world
Cities Most important cities of all states of the world
Units All units of measure used, eg. kilos, litres, etc.
Languages All languages used in the HEN
Dictionary Dictionary containing translations from English into all languages used in the HEN. Used to translate all types of necessities in table Necessities2 into the language chosen by the user.


Yellow Pages (Payed and Free Services and Products) YellowPages.php Everyone MemberServices YES
Register to become a member Register.php Everyone Members


Update personal information page, including necessities and services EditMyInfo.php Members Only Members

Search necessities of others SearchNeeds.php Members Only MemberNecessities YES
Query global necessities and production GlobalNeedsProd.php Members Only MemberNecessities

Query own production, consumption and UN balance MyUN.php Members Only Transactions YES
Query production, consumption and UN balance of other members MemberUN.php Members Only Transactions YES
Query own pending transactions: own confirmations and own recievers’ confirmations

MyTransactions.php Members Only Transactions YES
Start transaction Transaction.php Members Only Transactions YES
Maintain States table: insert, update, delete States.php Members Only States PENDING
Maintain Cities table: insert, update, delete Cities.php Members Only Cities PENDING
Maintain Units table: insert, update, delete Units.php Members Only Units PENDING
Maintain Necessities1 table: insert, update, delete Necessities1.php Members Only Necessities1 PENDING
Maintain Necessities2 table: insert, update, delete Necessities2.php Members Only Necessities2 PENDING
Maintain Languages table: insert, update, delete Languages.php Members Only Languages PENDING
Maintain Dictionary table: insert, update, delete Dictionary.php Members Only Dictionary PENDING
Query social capital SocialCapital.php Members Only * PENDING
Query HEN global statistics Statistics.php Members Only *MemberNecessities

Request capital for project RequestCapital.php Members Only * PENDING
Approve acquisitions ApproveCapital.php Members Only * PENDING
Vote MyVote.php Members Only * PENDING
Participate in discussion groups DiscussionGroups.php Members Only * PENDING
Search for meetings of the Humanist Movement and Silo’s message SearchGroups.php Members Only * PENDING


We have created a prototype of the system. It is not an exact model of the final system; it’s purpose is simply to give an idea of what the system is supposed to look like. You can see the prototype at: